Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 3 & 4

In Chapter 3, Scout sees Walter Cunningham in the school yard and starts beating him up for embarrassing her in class. Jem notices Scout and Walter fighting and breaks it up. Jem knows that Walter is poor, but he doesn't shout it out for the world like Scout. Jem invites Walter over for lunch. Walter seemed to think it was charity, but Jem told him that their fathers were great friends so I couldn't be charity. When they get home and start eating their lunch, they notice some odd behavior of how Walter eats his food. Of course, Scout points out to him that that behavior is not normal. Calpurnia takes Scout out of the room and told her how wrong she was for saying that to Walter. Scout was to eat the rest of her meal alone. After lunch when Scout, Jem, and Walter get back to school Scout's teacher, Miss Caroline, found lice in a boy's hair. This was Burris Ewell, he had come from a dirty and poor family, his parents only sent him and his siblings to school on the first day to be on the class room roster. He was mean and very disrespectful toward Miss Caroline. Later that day after school, Scout comes home and insists that she doesn't ever go back to school. She thought that if the Ewell's did it then, it was OK for her to. Atticus explained to her that they were not good people to take habits from. Atticus started reading and was curious why Scout was not joining in. Scout explained to him how Miss Caroline said that he was a bad teacher and how she should not read again with him. Atticus told Scout that they could keep reading together if they kept it a secret.

Chapter 4 is explaining how her first year of school went. It is summer again and Dill Harris is about to come back again and stay with Ms. Maudie. When Scout was on her way back from school she noticed a knot whole in a tree and it contained two foil wrappers and two pieces of gum. Se examined it and took them with her. She showed Jem and he thought it was dumb of her to take gum out of a tree, when you don't know how it got there. Scout wanted to show Jem where she found this stuff so he would believe her, and they found a box with 2 Indian- head pennies. When Dill got to town he had an idea for a fun game to for them to play. He called it "Boo Radley". They would act out everything they thought went on with the Radley's.

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